A tiger without teeth Tiger:Ha,ha ,I am the tiger. I am the king of the forest! (Tiger 走进森林里面) Animals:Help,help,let’s run up! The bad tiger is coming! Tiger 捉住一只rabbit,吃掉了他,其他小动物都非常气愤) Monkey :The tiger is so bad! How can we deal it? Fox :I have an idea! Animals: Tell us, tell us! Fox: Come here! Animal:That’s great! Fox 拿着一盒糖)Dear tiger. Tiger:Hn? Fox:Here are some candys!Please have them! Tiger:Give them to me. Fox:Here you are! (Tiger拿出一颗糖,放进嘴里.)Hn, that’s yum! Tiger :Yummy yummy yummy,I like candys! Ouch! Ouch! My teeth! Bear :What’s wrong,My king ? Tiger :My teeth are very ache! Bear: Don’t worry!Let me help you! Hey shou,hey shou! Come on! Monkey 、fox、squirrel 一起来帮忙:Come on!Let’s pull out the tiger’s teeth! Tiger:Ouch! Animals:Yeah! Tiger:Gulu,I’m hungry!I want eat the monkey!ah?I lost my teeth! Animals:Ha ha !A tiger without teeth! A tiger without teeth!