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    英语活动教案《Sunny English》Teaching Plan

    发表于 2018-12-13 22:03:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
                                                                                                     Teaching problem:《U Umbrella》
      Teaching Aims:
      Ⅰ.Kids can grasp the pronunciation the letter“U”and the word“Umbrella” by games. Know the meaning of the “Umbrella”.
      Ⅱ.Kids can know the sentences: Line up. Play a game.
      Ⅲ.Kids can express freely in their daily life.
      Teaching Aids:
      Flash cards, models, CD.
      Teaching Procedure:
      “ Good morning (Good afternoon),everybody!”
      “Good morning( Good afternoon), Melody!”
      Warm up:
      Before the class , lets move our body.
      a、Review letters and words.
      b、Vocabulary:U Umbrella
      a、Pass the flash card.
      b、Gold finger.
      c、How many fingers, how many times.
      d、High and low voice.
      Sing a song:
      《 Line up》.
      Follow up:
      a、Show the book.
      b、“Today go home,watch the VCD,listen to the tape and CD, to be a little Melody”!


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